Think and Grow Rich Lessons

  • Edna & Roger Boisjoli

    Edna & Roger Boisjoli, Elie, Manitoba, Canada CHAPTER 12THE SUBCONSCIOUS MINDTHE CONNECTING LINKThe Eleventh Step toward RichesThe subconscious mind, that mysterious part of our brain that most people don’t understand.  As a matter fo fact many are not even aware that it exists.  It is a part of our brain that we can’t totally control. …

  • Ernest Tucker

    Ernest Tucker Rogersville Alabama Chapter 12The Subconscious MindThe subconscious mind works day and night when you are asleep or awake. You cannot control it all the time but you can feed it with your thoughts your desires or your planes. You have to make your desires clear say your self talk over and over, hundreds…

  • Uwe Wagner

    Uwe Wagner – Oldenburg, Germany Subconscious MindDo you remember the fairy tales from your childhood? Of course you do. There are plenty of.Oh, I am especially referring to those dealing with a Lady Bountiful or a genie in a bottle granting us three wishes to be fulfilled. I really liked those stories and as a…

  • Frank LooSer

    Frank LooSer (Sarge) Nashville, TN To see how this lesson has played out in the life of Napoleon Hill and Michael Dlouhy read on.The subconscious mind responds like a well-trained soldier when it comesto following commands. It has no motive to distinguish between right or wrong, it simply does as it’s told without question.Wouldn’t it…

  • Russ Aker

    Russ Aker, Portland, Oregon, USA Chapter 12.  The Subconscious MindThe Connecting LinkTHE ELEVENTH STEP TOWARD RICHESThe Subconscious Mind is the storehouse, the filing cabinet for every impulse of thought and feeling that has come to it through all our six (6) senses, regardless of their nature, regardless of whether we even want them stored or…

  • Personal lesson from Chapter 12 the subconscious mind think and grow rich

    Chapter 12 the subconscious mind The 11th step towards riches This was a powerful chapter personally that is showed me that I have to keep my own programming of the mind rather than listening to the rubbish which has been programmed over the years. IT is a work in progress to reporam that mind from…

  • Brian Redding

    Brian Redding – Chicago, Illinois CHAPTER 11THE MYSTERY OF SEX TRANSMUTATION The Tenth Step toward RichesTransmutation is changing one form of energy into some other form of energy.There are 8 positive stimuli: 1.   The desire for sex expression2.   Love3.   A burning desire for fame, power, or financial gain, MONEY4.   Music5.   Friendship between either those of…

  • Tuula Rands

    Tuula Rands, British Columbia, Canada Chapter 11 The Mystery of Sex TransmutationWe are told in this chapter the emotion of sex brings into being a state of mind which must be changed from thoughts of physicalexpression to thoughts of some other nature.Hill gives us the example of a salesman who has acquiredthe art of sex…

  • Willena Flewelling

    Willena Flewelling – Alberta Canada CHAPTER 11:  Transmutation“Sex transmutation is simple and easily explained. It means the switching of the mind from thoughts of physical expression, to thoughts of some other nature.”  ~ a quote from Napoleon HillNovember is National Novel Writing Month, affectionately known to participants as NaNoWriMo. A wonderful, crazy time of literary…

  • Bev Bojarski

    Bev Bojarski, Cornwall, Ontario, Canada CHAPTER 11THE MYSTERY OF SEX TRANSMUTATIONThe Tenth Step toward RichesWhen transmuting (which is changing or transferring), the emotion of sex to another element or form of energy, a Powerful, Priceless tool is formed.  This is a tool or weapon fashioned that can overcome obstacles and propel me into action to…