Chapter 7 Organised planning and leadership personal lesson from think and grow rich
Chapter 7 Organized planning and leadership In order to be leader we must learn from those leaders that have gone before us weather they are a good or bad influence depends on each of us. We must search for those leaders who are good and motivating to us. For many years I have been learning…
David H Paul
David H. Paul- St. Cloud, MN USA For the first time in two years of participating in this 30 Day Mental Cleanse mastermind, I am writing my lesson learned right “from the cuff”. I am going to just give you my thoughts on imagination, and how I am using my creative imagination, as best I…
Tony Koker
Tony Koker – Stoughton, Massachusetts Imagination at work I use imagination all the time, when I am trying to solve challenges, issues and problems. The synthetic imagination is the easiest, since it is the use of known ideas and facts, recombined and processed into new constructs. The creative imagination comes from the subconscious, and arrives…
Ben Miranda
Ben Miranda – Los Angeles, California CHAPTER 6IMAGINATION: THE WORKSHOP OF THE MINDThe Fifth Step toward Riches Albert Einstein says, “Imagination is more important than Knowledge.”OK. I have learned that General knowledge and Specialized Knowledge produces an Educated Person and he or she gets results through the assistance of his or her “Master Mind” group.…
David Meyer
Meyer, David USA Boise Hello!Imagination! Something that can become neglected in our society that focuses most of our energy on physical reality. The bible says for us to pray for things and believe they already have happened. The bible is the best selling book on the planet and says we can move mountains if we…
Willena Flewelling
Willena Flewelling – Alberta Canada Chapter 6: ImaginationNapoleon Hill says:Man can create anything which he can imagine.The creative imagination functions only when the conscious mind is vibrating at an exceedingly rapid rate.Man’s only limitation lies in his develoment and use of his imagination.When I was growing up and in school, not one teacher ever encouraged…
Frank (Sarge) LooSer
Frank (Sarge) LooSer, Tennessee I would like to start my lesson this week by highlighting a quote from this chapter which I believe holds the key to this subject. Hill says “Read the entire book through, then come back to this chapter, and begin at once to put your imagination to work on the building…
Mark Michael
Mark Michael, Yucaipa, CA We humans are an impatient group of people. We want what we want without working for it. I know this doesn’t apply to present company ? What jumped out as a reminder to me was “The creative faculty becomes more alert, more receptive to vibrations from the sources mentioned, in proportion…
Darlene Moore
Darlene Moore, Barnesville, Ohio Chapter 6ImaginationFor most of my life I did not even know what imagination was. I thought if a person saw something that was not real they needed medication.This caused me to be a very competitive person. All someone had to do was say someone did something better than me and I…
Russ Aker
Russ Aker, Portland, Oregon, USA Chapter 6, ImaginationTHE WORKSHOP OF THE MINDTHE FIFTH STEP TOWARD RICHESLook around you, your home, your car, the public buildings, the library, and all the books. Everything you see, every tool, every household implement and device is fist perceived from the creative mind of man through imagination. I am sitting…