Willena Flewelling (Pt.2) – a lesson from our departed friend, Sarah Thompson
Willena Flewelling (Pt.2) – a lesson from our departed friend, Sarah Thompson Many of you will remember Sarah Thompson, an awesome mentor who passed away last December just before Christmas. This is a lesson plan she wrote four years ago, and shared on a mental cleanse call. It is a powerful lesson that had such…
Willena Flewelling
Willena Flewelling – Alberta Canada CHAPTER 14: The Sixth SenseMy fifth baby was born at the break of dawn on the first day of summer. As the day wore on, I could feel him getting warmer and warmer, till he felt quite hot to my touch. The nurses thought I was worrying over nothing.He was…
David Haines
David Haines – Doylestown, PA Our mind is sometimes a pain the butt. I know, I know, it’s where we “live”, but our mind is always trying to get in the way. It’s always trying to control and filter everything. And when it does that we miss out on so much. Instead of just letting…
Tuula Rands
Tuula Rands, British Columbia, Canada Chaper 14 – The Sixth SenseHill writes “This chapter on the sixth sense was included, because this bookis designed for the purpose of presenting a complete philosophyby which individuals may unerringly guide themselves in attainingwhatever they ask of life. The starting point of all achievement is desire. The finishing point…
Margi Starr
Margi Starr, Springfield, Ohio Chapter 14–The Sixth SenseSometimes you know that you know that you know. Even if it doesn’t make sense.Throughout our lifetimes there are those divine appointments that occur for which there is no human explanation. It’s not pure luck nor is it simply an accident. I believe it’s by Divine Design. Some…
David H. Paul
David H. Paul- St. Cloud, MN USA The SIXTH SENSE is that portion of the subconscious mind which has beenreferred to as the Creative Imagination. It has also been referred to as the“receiving set” through which ideas, plans, and thoughts flash into the mind.The “flashes” are sometimes called “hunches” or “inspirations.”This past month has been…
Russ Aker
Russ Aker, Portland, OR, USA Chapter14. The Sixth SenseTHE DOOR TO THE TEMPLE OF WISDOMThe Thirteenth Step toward RichesThe Sixth Sense is that portion of the Subconscious Mind which has been referred to as the CreativeImagination, the receiving set of The Brain. We understand it as the place where ideas, hunches and inspirations flash into…
Ben Miranda – Los Angeles, California
Ben Miranda – Los Angeles, California CHAPTER 14THE SIXTH SENSETHE DOOR TO THE TEMPLE OF WISDOMThe Thirteenth Step toward Riches This sense is a portion of the subconscious mind, also referred to as the creative imagination and to as the “receiving set” of our brain. It is through which Infinite Intelligence may and will…
Mark Michael, Yucaipa, CA
Mark Michael, Yucaipa, CA I really like this line and can so relate to it; “Through the aid of the sixth sense, you will be warned of impending dangers in time to avoid them, and notified of opportunities in time to embrace them.”The way I see this happening to me on a regular basis is…
Chapter 14 the sixth sense
Chapter 14 The sixth sense The doorway to the temple of wisdom The thirteenth step towards riches Our own sixth sense will pickup on the vibrations from the infinite intelligence in time to warn us of an impending disata or opportunity. States napoleon in this chapter. this chapter has helped me to realise more about…