Knowledge is power–chapter 5 lesson think and grow rich specialized knowledge
Chapter 5 Specialized knowledge Knowledge is power Here we learn that there are two different types of knowledge, general and specialized knowledge. Yet a person can gain so much power from the use of specialized knowledge through a mastermind group. They do not necessarily have to possess that knowledge within themselves. As Michael Dlouhy say’s…
Lesson from Chapter 4 Auto Suggestion
Chapter 4 Auto suggestion What we believe comes to realitly. This chapter reminds me of the power of our own thoughts and of those of around us as a person. That what we hear and let in as a person becomes our own reality. When we are around people who are positive and are constantly…
Influences within our lives
A brilliant section from Mary McLean’s lesson for the 30 day mental cleanse on influences within our own lives. We all have those influences within our lives weather they are good or bad, however we need to make a conscious choiceto associate with good influences and to let those bad ones fall away to the…
What is self esteem and how to build it????
A very powerful post from Joseph McClendon III on Self Esteem. As Joseph McClendon suggests we need to project those successesout into our own future and go from there, we need to project our success into our own every day life. Taking a successful event andusing it to build onto another and another and another,…
Chapter 3 Faith – Belief within yourself
Chapter 3 Faith – Belief within yourself This chapter comes down to believing that you can do whatever it is that you have put your mind to. Michael Dlouhy continually reminds us that “We (Linda, Michael and mentoring for free mentors) will believe in you until you can believe in yourself.” One of the things…
Chapter 2 Desire–Think and grow rich Personal lesson
Chapter 2 Desire The starting point of all achiement The first step towards riches This is a very powerful chapter, for many years I saught my own family. A wife and kids to love and to share own love with and who would love me back. This was burning within so strongly, however one thing…
Chapter 1 introduction – the man who thought his way into business with Thomas A Eddission personal lesson
Chapter 1 introduction – the man who thought his way into business with Thomas A Eddission personal lesson Chapter 1 thoughts are things: The man who thought his way into partnership with Thomas A. Eddisson Our own thoughts do truly create our reality. What we say to ourselves or think becomes our own reality and…
Personal lesson from chapter 15 how to outwit the six ghosts of fear
Chapter 15 How to outwit the six ghosts of fear Take inventory of yourself as you read this closing chapter and find out how many of the “Ghosts” are standing in your way. Wow what a chapter which served as reminder about many things. Yet the main thing which really struck upon reading this chapter…
Chapter 15 How to outwit the 6 ghosts of fear personal lesson
Chapter 15 How to outwit the 6 ghosts of fear personal lesson This lesson plan was inspired by chapter 15 from think and grow rich the 30 day mental cleanse. Your comments and feedback are important to us. What are your thoughts? You can participate in the 30 day mental cleanse at http://www.30daycleanse.com Be a…
Personal lesson from chapter 14 the sixth sense
Chapter 14 the sixth sense The doorway to the temple of wisdom The 13th step towards riches Wow what a chapter, this chapter reminded me that was where I was now owing to a decision made over 9 months ago now. That decision was that the next woman dated would be the partner for life,…