Think and Grow Rich Lessons

  • Napoleon Hill's Thought for the Day

    What a powerful lesson from Napoleon Hill on friends and when you are more concerned about your own needs rather than others. Wishing you abundant love, health and life and massive hug Make 2014 a fabulous year Jenny and Ben Email not displaying correctly? View it in your browser. Friends must be grown to order…

  • Napoleon Hill's Thought for the Day

    Wow what a powerful insight from Napoleon Hill about hanging around those people who have messed up their own lives and getting around the people who have made something of their own lives. The ones who have messed up their own lives may be unwilling to correct that mess it is their own choice and…

  • Napoleon Hill's Thought for the Day

    Such a powerful truth from Napoleon on the power of doing good deeds and performing that it will show someone you really don’t care what they have to say. That you are who are and will make them realise that they made a mistake or a bad judgment in judging who you were as a…

  • Napoleon Hill's Thought for the Day

    A wonderful insight from Napoleon on the power of moving away from destructive negative thought patters. Jenny and Ben Email not displaying correctly? View it in your browser. When you close the door of your mind to negative thoughts, the door of opportunity opens to you. It is the nature of opportunity that it simply…

  • Chapter 9 Persistence

    Chapter 9 Persistence Wow what a chapter, this chapter really hit home. It reminded me that over the years I have developed a lot of persistence and just kept on going despite a great number of obstacles standing in the way. You see without persistence I would have stopped seeking a relationship; and a loving…

  • Insight of the Day

    One of the most touching stories have read, A simple gift can mean so much. Wishing you the best in Health, life, love and a huge hug, Jenny and Ben Dear Ben, Here is your Friday story, For The Man Who Hated Christmas It’s just a small, white envelope stuck among the branches of our…

  • Don't Just Be Good, Be Good and Rich by T. Harv Eker

    A fantastic Lesson from T. Harv Eker on being rich, that when you are rich you become more of what you already were. So when you become rich you become more giving, you become more loving, become whatever it was you initially had all along. Now that is true abundance. Wishing you the best in…

  • Chapter 8 Decision–personal lesson

    Chapter 8 Decision The mastery of procrastination The seventh step towards riches When we make a decision and commit to such, somehow the universe aligns and says here you go. Just as long as you are prepared to pay the price that is asked for achieving the goal. It must be the price you determined…

  • Napoleon Hill's Thought for the Day

    Email not displaying correctly? View it in your browser. You come finally to believe anything you tell yourself often enough — even if it is not true. If you repeat something over and over to yourself, your subconscious mind will eventually begin to accept it as fact. When something has been accepted as truth by…

  • Chapter 7 organized Planning lesson

    Chapter 7 Organized Planning Every area of our lives needs a plan, weather it’s our dream to get married and have our own kids. This has been own dream since was a child, to get married and have own kids; to have own family and to raise that family of own. Jenny and myself have…