Your questions answered – Faq’s Frequently asked questions which we get asked regularly.
What made You get started
The need to improve my health and lifestyle. I was also wanting to have a role which was able to do around the abilities which I have. That at times mean was limited by what was able to do for a while.
What made me want to change my health? what made you transform Your health?
3 Dislocated knee caps on my left knee and being told that I needed to improve my health. I also have a physical ability issue that is a chronic condition. At times, I can work for a while. Then, I suddenly have to focus on my health again. I go through periods where it’s great then will need to put attention on such again. I have also been dealing with muscular skeletal issues since was a teenager. You can learn more about bens story on
Is network marketing legitimate? – Legal,
Yes, people do it daily. They recommend and promote the companies that they love. Most just don’t get paid for it.
What company are you with?
The company that I am with has no impact on our friendship. It’s a vanity company.
Am I looking for a company?
No I am married to my company
Am I married?
Who do You help?
Anyone who shows they are coachable and teachable and willing to learn.
Why do You want to be my friend when you are married?
I am happy being anyone’s friend until You change it.
What scale model railway layout do you work with?
Ho scale is my main scale. I started with 00, moving into mostly Ho.
What is the average cost of a train you have seen?
Anything from $5 to $2100. It really depends on what you are buying. I’ve seen wagons for a train at $5 each, a full train for $2100.
What is average cost of model railway layout. How much did it cost to build. how much does it cost to build a model railway layout?
Depends on what you want on the layout. The train club layouts would be a expensive layout as so much detail and work goes into building. A small layout can start at less than $100. Adding from there to ad what You would like is where the cost starts increasing. Its more are You looking for a toy or a serious layout.
How much do you spend on health regularly?
Roughly $250 a week, this is with Supplements and treatment.
What do you do?
I help families to improve and change their lives through education and teamwork.
Is model railway layout building expensive?
It’s as cheap as you want it to be. You can use old household objects to build a layout or buy the items brand new.
Where have you traveled?
Australia, new Zealand, America, China and Korea are countries which I have seen parts of.
Do You use or trade in Bitcoin?
No I don’t believe in it!
People say have multiple streams of income? Are You in more than one company?
While yes it is suggested by experts saying be in multiple companies. or industries. I need to focus on building the company I am currently working with. I must not spread my energy too thin. This way, I can focus effectively on that company. I am still building relationships in other industries to grow the business.
Is network marketing worth it?
Yes, I have personally grown so much through the personal development side of the industry. To go from a guy who was shattered. Needing to improve his health and become more to being married with a son. Having traveled more than did as a child both within Australia and outside of Australia.
When did You start Your hobby? Find You loved trains?
As a child I always loved trains. I had a train set which was built and it’s been a part of my life ever since. It was not until left school that was able to focus more on the trains.
Are You a stay at home dad (Stay at home parent)?
I am at home part time running the business for vanity products and building its network. I am also a rideshare driver with the flexibility to look after my son of a afternoon.