You can design your own life by thinking about what you want to do and accomplish within your own life and setting about doing such. Although there will be people who will not be happy with what you choose to do with your own life essentially it is your life no matter what happens. You […]
Being yourself.
Being yourself is when you can be the person you who you are no matter what. This means you are yourself and not being the person who someone else wants you to be, that you are not conforming to his or her wishes as a person. That you are doing things because you want to […]
Eat to Compete
Eat to Compete
Living your own life
Essentially, you are the only person who can say what you want to do with your own life. There will be other people who will try to influence you and say no I want you to do this; I think you’d be great at this so why don’t you do that for me. We must […]
Happiness is an individuals state of mind. Only you know what is going to make you happy as a person whether that’s a relationship; a friendship or something else. You hold the key to your own happiness and only you can determine what is going to make you a happier person. No one else can […]