Vitamins for the Mind by Jim Rohn Concentration The best advice I ever came across on the subject of concentration is: Wherever you are, be there. When you work, work. When you play, play. Don’t mix the two. Give whatever you are doing and whoever you are with the gift of attention. On the way […]
What is your mentality, do you have the job or business mentality.
What is your mentality, do you have the job or business mentality. Do you have what it takes to be an entrepreneur. Harry Hartley of Calgary, Canada got me thinking. He asked me: “Do people really want a business of their own? Businesses have headaches. Don’t they really just want an income?” So I got […]
It’s your sponsor’s fault.
It’s your sponsor’s fault.Success or failure. If it is your sponsor’s responsibility whether you succeed or fail, then you should at least give your sponsor the authority to control every aspect of your life. Since we certainly don’t want our sponsor controlling our actions and dictating exactly what we do every day, we can’t hold […]
Sales and appointment scripts for friends.
Sales and appointment scripts for friends.Someone asked me for a sales script to set an appointment with a friend. Think about that one. What comes to mind? 1. Your new distributor doesn’t believe in the opportunity enough and needs a sales script to “sell” his friend. 2. If your new distributor memorizes a sales script, […]