the power to own our lives

self-talkWould it be ok if I shared my lesson on Chapter 1 from Think and Grow Rich for this week’s Think and Grow Rich Lessons with You. A program that has helped thousands to change their lives and to become the person that they were intended to be. It has helped myself to become a better husband, father and friend.

We control our own lives with our thoughts when we listen to others with their thoughts on a project or idea that we have we are letting them control our lives. we can have an idea for our businesses, an idea for a home we want, an idea for a project we are working on and talk with someone who either supports the idea or may knock the idea in some way.

canwhist in the planning stages for my own model train layout of the Sytoomba mountains, I would turn to the modelers who know and have met through train club and would say this what I am going to build as my own layout at home, being aware what size one component of the model is personally when said to some of the members their reaction would either be one of support or one of otherwise. with comments ranging from I am happy to help You with this area, I’ll help with the plans, whist other comments have been “do You know how big that is?, it’s a big task, Do you know how much room is needed?” one side supports one side doesn’t, its our personal choice to choose which side to listen to.

energy-and-loveIt is time to take more control of own mind and thoughts that only listen to those who have what I am seeking and support that dream. those who are happy to say let me help You or I will help You with those plans.

th (3)Over the years a major goal has been being that parent who is involved in our kids lives; a stay at home parent who is able to raise and help with the kids. It’s taken years to finally feel that I am able to be that stay at home dad despite those who have been out there saying get a job, why do you keep on going with the business.

11209733_941528419201135_3126404278616272340_nIt’s the same reason we are all here at mentoring for free, we have a dream and believe in that dream, we have spoken to so many who are unable to see our vision or dream, we have our dream and we know that we can bring that dream to reality.

we have the ability to own our lives through our thoughts, rather than letting those tramp thoughts run our lives. each of us has a dream and an ideal what we’d love to achieve within our own lives, for some of us that may be being that stay at home parent who is able to be there for their family watching the family grow up. That they want to be able to spend more time with their family, others they want to be able to travel the world, build a foster home, be able to help kids, our dreams are our gems and we need to work on achieving those dreams.

th (1)Thank You to my amazing wonderful friends, mentors and family Michael and Linda Dlouhy, who took in a network marketer who was needing help and helped him to learn to own his thoughts and life, walking away from years of fears that had run his own life for years. Thanks to my amazing wonderful mentor, friend and family member as well Ken Klemm for Your own ongoing support. A huge thanks to my amazing ever supportive wife Jenny for your own ongoing support. Its greatly appreciated, thanks to the mentoring for free team for helping me to get my life back.

Big hugs,

Ben Drake

West ryde – moving to the gold coast by 29 may 2021

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