a very potent post from Napoleon Hill on over caution, where a wonderful case is made about begin careful to not overanalyise something once you have made a decision. Overcaution is as bad as no caution. It makes other people suspicious. | Napoleon Hill Foundation. Your comments and feedback are important to us. What are […]
Year: 2013
The law of giving and recieving.
Wow the power of giving from the universes law of giving and recieving. You are unable to outgive the universe, “What I find amazing is that when you go out of your way to give to another person, you will also receive great things in your life. This is what is called the Law of […]
You can only fix yourself
What a quote from Rob Reiner, that all you can do is fix yourself. You can only change your own world. yet all you needdo is change one thing at a time.As appeared in Brian Tracy quotes of the day email. “Everybody talks bout wanting to change things and help and fix, but ultimately all […]
Putting Fear in Its Place
A powerful article from Jack Canfield on working around fear and the emotion of fear. That you need to stop letting fear control your own life.As appeared in Jim Rohn’s newsletter. Putting Fear in Its Placeby Jack Canfield Feeling fear is a very natural part of living. Fear is a helpful emotion, as it tells […]
The Major Key to Your Better Future is You
A powerful article from Jim Rohn on the power of becomming worth more as a person. As my good friend and mentor Michael Dlouhy reminds us all the time”For you to make more, you have to become more. You have to become the person who people want to be in business with”. Jim Rohn puts […]