Multiple Streams of Outgo

The following is a wonderful section from my wonderful friend and mentor Michael Dlouhy, with some wonderful tips on being focused
on a opportunity and only using one income stream rather than concentrating on more than one income stream, just using the one income
stream. As Michael Dlouhy says a vast majority of network marketers who get convinced on the idea that they need to have multiple streams of
income and end up with unfortunately multiple streams of outgoing rather than those multiple streams of income comming in.

When you focus on your neiche or what you want to do then you can build it so big.

Multiple Streams of Outgo

The vast majority of network marketers who get convinced of the brilliance of the idea that they need multiple streams of in- come wind up instead with multiple streams of outgo.

Consider all the money-makers you’ve signed up for. Consider all the $$ you’ve paid for them. And consider the income they bring you right now, this month.

To borrow a line from Dr. Phil, “How’s THAT working for you?”

There’s a better way.

IBM was a 35-billion-dollar leader before anyone ever heard of Michael Dell.

Today? Dell swamps IBM in personal computer sales.

Why? Dell focused.

From Success in 10 Steps written by my good friend and mentor Michael Dlouhy,

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