Bring your seed to the soil.

A classic from Jim Rohn on sowing and reaping that you need to bring your seed to the ground. You need to bring your good
seed to the soil as Jim Rohn say’s, you need to water it and defend it and be happy with that crop that you recieve from such.

Vitamins for the Mind by Jim Rohn

Sowing & Reaping

You must get good at one of two things: sowing in the spring or begging in the fall.

God has the tough end of the deal. What if instead of planting the seed you had to make the tree? That would keep you up late at night, trying to figure that one out.

Plant, don’t chant.

One of my good friends always says, “Things don’t just happen; things happen just.”

The soil says, “Don’t bring me your need, bring me your seed.”

“Vitamins for the Mind” is a weekly sampling of original quotes on a specific topic taken from The Treasury of Quotes by Jim Rohn. The burgundy hardbound book with gold-foil lettering is a collection of more than 365 quotes on 60 topics gathered from Jim’s personal journals, seminars and books and spanning more than 40 years.

Click here to order “The Treasury of Quotes.”

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