Do you want to work a plan that works for the masses or a small portion of people.

A wonderful portion of success in 10 steps by Michael Dlouhy on the power of the numbers and choosing a company which will work for the masses as a person.
As Michael Dlouhy says a good company is a company that you can place someone anywhere you want within your downline. That way you can can maxamise
the payout. Yet it has to have 4 things that Michael Dlouhy is talking about within this short article.

Best of Both Worlds

So my question is: Do you want a compensation plan that works for 97% of the people or a plan that works for 3%?

Another note: I’m pretty analytical when it comes to compensation plans. I LOVE a company that lets me personally sponsor someone, then place them ANYWHERE in my group to maximize THEIR dollar pay-out.

You build trust & re- tention this way. So my advice is, avoid any comp plan that:

1. Limits your strategy to place personally sponsored people where you want.

2. Forces you to go wide.

3. Doesn’t reward you for building deep.

4. Won’t work for average part-timers.

Remember: numbers are just like gravity. Work with them, not against them. Choose a compensation plan that works with the numbers and the masses.

From Success in 10 Steps written by my good friend and mentor Michael Dlouhy,

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