Lifestyle by Jim Rohn

From Jim Rohn;s newsletter, a wonderful article on letting others live their own life and focusing on your own life as a person. Learn how to live a good life as a person. Also creating a wonderful lifestyle

Vitamins for the Mind by Jim Rohn


Let others lead small lives, but not you. Let others argue over small things, but not you. Let others cry over small hurts, but not you. Let others leave their future in someone else’s hands, but not you.

Lifestyle is the art of discovering ways to live uniquely.

Some people have learned to earn well, but they haven’t learned to live well.

Earn as much money as you possibly can and as quickly as you can. The sooner you get money out of the way, the sooner you will be able to get to the rest of your problems in style.

“Vitamins for the Mind” is a weekly sampling of original quotes on a specific topic taken from The Treasury of Quotes by Jim Rohn. The burgundy hardbound book with gold-foil lettering is a collection of more than 365 quotes on 60 topics gathered from Jim’s personal journals, seminars and books and spanning more than 40 years.
Click here to order “The Treasury of Quotes.”

From Jim Rohn’s newsletter,

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