The day that will turn your own life around

The following is a wonderful article from Chris Widener from Jim Rohn’s newsletter on the wonderful day that changes your life forever. Just remember to act

The Day Your Life Will Change for Good!
by Chris Widener

Many people long for a better life. In fact, I think it is innate to humans to desire a better life. Wherever we are, we look beyond and dream of a better place. That is good, and that is not so good. It is good because the dream is alive and we can see, even if it is far off, a better situation for us, our families and our businesses and communities.
So why is it not good? It is not good because it is not yet a reality! A dream is no good if it is only a dream. Sure a dream can make you feel good, but long term, if you don’t pursue it and make it a reality, it will cause you frustration more than anything. But there is hope!
I’m talking about the day your life really changes. The day that your dream begins to become a reality, and not some pie-in-the-sky wish. This is the day life turns around for you, the day things begin to get better and you begin to fulfill your purpose, mission and destiny! When is this day?
It is the day you make a decision!
The key to changing your life is to make a decision, and then to act upon it. And, once acted upon, to follow-through consistently until your dream becomes a reality.
So the decision is the key? Yes, it is. Every dream begins as a thought. “I would love to have my own business, to be free to run my life and earn as much money as I want to and take as much vacation time as I want.” Good dream, isn’t it? Probably a dream that most of us have. But there it is, a little electrical impulse bouncing around inside our head. Does that do us any good? Only if it becomes action! And it only becomes action if we make a decision.
Let’s carry this example out. What are the decisions to be made here? Well, there are a few I can think of. One would be to quit your job. You can’t go into business for yourself until you quit your job (or your current boss will be quite upset!). Decide to do it and schedule an appointment with him or her. Walk in and quit! Another decision is to go get your business license. Schedule the time, go get the papers, fill them out, pay the money and register with the state. Bingo, you’re in business!
You must decide what you must do to make your dream a reality. Then you must act upon those decisions. If you do not act, your dream becomes a pipe dream, a non-reality.
When you have acted, you must follow through. Continue to follow your plan, day by day, carrying your dream to completion. Here is a practical exercise to get you moving:

  • What is your dream? It could be in any area of life: Work, family, finances, health etc.
  • What is a decision you have to make to get yourself MOVING in the right direction? This should be action–oriented, not philosophical in nature. For example, it should be “I am going to resign on March 1st,” not “I’ve decided that being in business for myself would be more fulfilling.” That is an idea, not a decision.
  • Next, pick a day you are going to do it. Pick a time. Be specific.
  • Next, do it!
  • Next, begin the process of continually following through.
  • Next, enjoy yourself; you are pursuing your dream! It may be hard, but it will also be the most fulfilling and rewarding time of your life!

“The history of free men is not written by chance, but by choice—their choice.” – Dwight D. Eisenhower
Decide, act, follow through. The day you do will be the day you change your life for good!

From Jim Rohns newsletter by Chris Widener on the power of acting and the day which will turn your own life around.
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