Stress in our lives

I spent months a few years ago researching the life of Albert Einstein and walked away with a great appreciation for the man. His accomplishments were so enormous that Time magazine named him Person of the Century. One of the things I liked most about him was his sense of humor.

For some time, Einstein had the same driver who took him to all his speeches and watched him speak. One day, he told his driver, “You have seen this speech so many times I bet you could give it.” So the driver helped with the joke and gave Einstein’s scientific speech. When the group began asking questions, the driver pointed to Einstein and replied, “Why that question is so simple that I bet even my driver could answer it!”

Another time, Einstein’s wife, who didn’t like him smoking cigars, asked him how many he had smoked for the day. He replied, “This is my second.” She said, “I am sure that it is your third or fourth.” Einstein then asked, “Are you telling me that you are better at mathematics than me?”

Einstein once picked up a baby who started screaming and crying. He said to the baby, “You are the first person who has been honest with how you feel about me in years!”

As a Jew in Germany during Hitler’s rise to power, Einstein endured incredible stress. We may feel stress today, but it would be hard to imagine any stress greater. Stress is the worst enemy of your memory and one of the worst enemies to your health. Like Einstein, you must strive to keep your sense of humor. I think you will be amazed at what you can accomplish. You just might make Time magazine’s Person of the Century next time around!

Ron White

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From Ron White’s newsletter a wonderful article on the power of stress and our own lives.

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