The Winner’s Edge Coaching Tips – Decision-Making by Zig Ziglar

The Winner’s Edge Coaching Tips

Decision-Making by Zig Ziglar

(excerpted from his new book, Born to Win: Find Your Success Code)
I’m amazed at how little thought is given to making decisions. How decisions are made, why decisions are made, and when decisions are made is often taken for granted. Everyone expects to think seriously about decisions like marriage, having a child, or accepting a job offer that moves them hundreds of miles away from family, but they give little thought to the actual process of decision-making and the basis for making good decisions. It takes time to learn to consistently make good decisions, because good decisions require a certain amount of wisdom. That’s why a good decision maker can offer you advice that you can trust.

Great advisors and coaches consistently make good decisions and good choices because they have acquired a good deal of wisdom throughout their lives. How do you acquire wisdom, and how does it work in the decision-making process? Wisdom is acquired by gaining knowledge and learning to apply that knowledge to the daily events of life. The daily events of life are filled with decisions, and these choices create the results of our lives.

The kind of knowledge that creates wisdom is information that is true and correct. Information that is false is not authentic knowledge, and because it is false, it is not wisdom. Lots of people acquire false information, believe it is true, and make bad decisions as a result of that information. People who make good decisions have the ability to test the information they get and filter out the parts that are not true. This ability leads to the skill of good decision-making. These are the kinds of people you want as advisors and coaches. People who are good decision makers can help you develop the ability to test bad information and reject it. When you develop this ability, you, too, will become a good decision maker.

Zig Ziglar’s Born to Win: Find Your Success Code compresses four decades of life-changing tools and practices into an inspiring, concise and easy-to-use format for bottom-line people who want to grow and improve their lives “right now!” Click here to find out more or to purchase your copy of the book

From Denis Waitley’s newsletter a great post on decision making by Zig Ziglar.
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