New York student begs to join network marketing.

New York student begs to join network marketing.

While conducting a workshop in upstate New York a few years ago, a young lady told me her story:

She was a college student and happened to read Robert Kiyosaki’s book, “Rich Dad – Poor Dad.”

She was motivated and excited to learn about being in her own business. It wasn’t something she had learned at her university. So, next she read Robert Kiyosaki’s book, “Rich Dad’s Business School for People Who Like Helping People.”

Now she was totally sold on network marketing but she didn’t know anyone in network marketing. Wow! There goes that old saturation myth.

She began calling everyone she knew, and even people she didn’t know. When she finally found a network marketer, she was so excited that someone would actually help her get started.

The moral of the story?

There are millions of people out there who don’t know about network marketing and what it can do for them. There are many books that are great tools to create desire in ordinary prospects looking for a better life.

If a “Rich Dad – Poor Dad” book is too long for your prospects, try “How to Get Rich without Winning the Lottery.”

Or, do you have a special CD that creates the same desire?

There are millions of people who don’t know about network marketing, and would be excited to join you … if they just knew.

From Tom Big Al’s newsletter a great post on showing people the value of network marketing.
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