Marsha Sortino persistance

Marsha Sortino

The Eighth Step toward Riches
Persistence – the daily actions you take and never giving up on your dreams.
It’s the actions that become so strong because you finally truly believe you can do it!
You can build your business; just don’t give up!
You can become a professional network marketer; just learn the skills.
You can learn to talk to people; just get on the colors training calls.
You can turn your disbeliefs into beliefs; just do a 30 day mental cleanse and continue building your character.
You can build yourself up; just do your self talk.
You can become a leader; just get on the calls and speak up.
You can build relationships with people that know like and trust you; just learn from our most brillaint leaders here at MFF.
You can help others, one person at a time and be a mentor with a servants heart; just follow the MFF recipe.
You can, you can, you can…
Now it’s easy to say you can, have desires and dreams, make plans and want your success.
But the truth of the matter is that you have to work at it.
You have to peel away all that is blocking you from doing what’s necessary for you to succeed.
You work out a definite plan and stick with it till you reach your goals.
After all we weren’t born with with wings to fly; we had to crawl first and learn to take off… before realizing we can fly.
And we can fly once we make a definite decision that nothing and no one can stop us from reaching our dreams. It’s within us, the power we have to make a decision and do it.
Doing a mental cleanse doesn’t mean we will no longer have problems, that our problems will mysteriously just disappear. Doing a mental cleanse means that we can handle our problems with ease and better results.
I’ve been doing a mental cleanse for many months now. I have seen the growth in many people, including myself and in looking back at it all, had it not been for the mental cleanse, I probably would have given up long ago.
Michael and some of the top leaders here had to learn from their struggles as well and they did not give up. No, they kept at it till they saw results.
I see the new and up and coming leaders that cannot be denied. Ken Klemm, David Haines and Brian Redding just to mention a few.
They all started where many of us are at now at some point in this journey.
Thank God I stayed and worked on myself and will continue working on myself as I want to develop in all areas of my life.
And it’s here at this mental cleanse and MFF and this mastermind group that I get true growth.
I am so appreciative that our leaders had worked hard to put together this MFF system and made sacrifices along the way in their journeys, so that we wouldn’t have to make the same mistakes.
Instead we get to grow and develop using a system that’s been tested and faithfully working for us.
Persistence – make it a habit and it becomes a part of You.
Never, ever give up!
Marsha Sortino

Lesson plan from Marsha Sortino on chapter 9 for the 30 day mental cleanse.

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