Alexander Lodi Persistance

Alexander Lodi

Chapter 9 – Persistence
I have been supporting tens of people…not tons…tens so that was not a typo…with epilepsy for years now via my blog, Email and telephone support. It is said that even if some people come into our lives just for a moment, we will make some sort of impact on them to help them along their journey through life to find their purpose.
It can be trying on myself at times when I try to reach people (Get through to them) that ask for my support and their seems to be a barrier between us as some people do not want to be willing enough to speak freely about epilepsy and that in and of itself becomes their handicap until a breakthrough occurs. It takes mental toughness, a big “sticky-factor” and much persistence to assist others who have epilepsy in order to see them through the hard times.
I had a friend that I met on Epilepsy Foundation come stay with me Christmas of 2011 who had just discovered a short while ago that she has epilepsy. She would of been alone at the holidays so I graciously invited her to spend Christmas and New Years with my dad and I. After she went back home to Texas, our communication kind of diminished as she was going through more trials with her epilepsy, depression, loss of her job as a school teacher and just having a bad outlook on life over all. Even when I called her she would not pick up the phone or return my messages.
When I revised my vision board, I put her picture on it. This was about two weeks ago. Just this past Saturday – July 7th, I received this really nice text from her:
” Good morning. I know its been forever, but I’ve been so horridly sick that I was barely holding my head above water. I had to resign from my job and I sunk so low into the deepest darkest hole of depression known to man. But I have to tell you that when I turned it over to God, he saw me through it. I am so much better. And I’m grateful that your unwavering faith and optimism helped me get back to where I needed to be. So, when you get tired and wonder if its worth it to put yourself out there, know that you’ve made all the difference in the world to many because you are you.”
That simple text means the world to me and no amount of money can buy the love we have for one another. That is what its all about. Persistence in its purest and simplest form will always get us through the hard times.
Alexander Lodi

Lesson plan from Alexander Lodi on chapter 9 for the 30 day mental cleanse.

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