Have Fun! You’ll Learn More and Do More

Have Fun! You’ll Learn More and Do More

by Joseph McClendon

Think about all the things you learned as a child.

Each time you learned something new it was an amazing phenomenon. Your senses were engaged to the fullest. Our nervous systems are set up to receive more and retain more information through our five senses. When we are alert and in a joyful and fun state of mind our senses are active and receptive. And we retain more of what we learn.

Go to www.YouTube.com and type in “child genius” and you’ll find kids who excel, play piano, and do other things at the highest level. They make it playful. They even make it seem easy and effortless.

I studied “Super Learning” several years ago and one of the points that were made regarding why they can teach these young children so much so fast is the fact that children are natural fun seekers and have easier, quicker access to having fun. You see, when we are having fun and laughing, all five of our senses are more open to input, and what goes in is linked to the pleasure sensation and therefore retained and assimilated as favorable references. What that ultimately means is that when we learn things in a pleasure state it goes deeper into our nervous system and more easily and likely becomes a part of who we are.

Arm yourself with new tools and a fresh perspective to help you reach a higher level of happiness. Joseph McClendon’s Get Happy NOW! is more than just a book. It’s a living tool that can transform your life. Click here to learn more!

From Jim Rohn’s Newsletter, a powerful lesson by Joseph McClendon on enjoying ourselves.

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