online mlm marketing

online mlm marketing:

online mlm marketing

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online mlm marketing

Hello are you with a company that is using a dinosaur system ?

Or are you with a cutting edge state of the art company that has all the bells and whistles but very little support?
If either of the two scenarios resonate with you then please read on. Perhaps you may have a great online mlm marketing system and great mentoring and support but you are curious about this post then read on as well.
Click on the link if you are looking for a great mlm marketing system.
Online mlm marketing
Picture this as this is what happens everyday with our company at Mentoring For Free. You wake up and check your emails and you see two ebook downloads. There is one in America and one in the Uk. The ebook downloads are from our free ebook success in ten steps. People who download this ebook are warriors of network marketing. They have  usually experienced a great deal of failure in professional network marketing and are after an online mlm system to help them become successful. The clients resonate with the stories in the ebook and they want to know more.
No cold calling
Now this heading seems a little weird because when you pick up the phone and call the clients who have downloaded the ebook it will be a cold call. In other words you have never spoken to them previously. However when you begin speaking to these clients 90% of the time you feel like you are talking to a long lost relative. The sense of relief that overtakes them as you reassure them that their  lack of success was not their fault is extraordinary. The best part comes when you say there is no credit card required , all our training and mentoring is free. Well in most cases you have just made a friend for life.
Online mlm marketing stage two
So you have had that intial chat and made sure they downloaded the ebook successfully. A few days later you call them back to see if they finished the ebook. You have a chat about what resonates with them in the ebook and you begin to answer their questions or get answers for their questions. You ask them if they are ready for the next stage of the training, once again reassuring them it’ s all free. Most people are eager to know more. So you email them or skype them their training audios about the industry and the level of commitment required to be successful. You ask them to listen to the audios and jot down any questions they may have.  You set up another appointment a week later.
This has been all done over the internet and by phone. One is early in the morning Australian time and the other one is in the evening to cater for the UK time. The hardest thing is getting the time zones right.  So now you have a client that you are mentoring for as long as they choose to be mentored.
Online mlm marketing stage three
A week later you phone again and talk to them about the training calls. You answer their questions to the best of your ability, if you cant answer them you point them to where they can find their answers. The best part of this system is you don’t need to be the expert. Finally the last part of the process is to set up a three way call with the author of the  ebook Michael Dlouhy. When your clients hear that they have the opportunity to visit with the author of the ebook for an hour well that really blows them away.
The final stage
In the final stage of the process you have started a relationship with your client. Yes it is only the beginning and you do your utmost to ensure that you keep building the relationship and provide real ongoing value. This can be in the form of the ten live and interactive calls the system has to help people build up the skills they need to succeed. It can be the free personal development course designed to build leaders. Whatever it is you now mentor them with a servant’s heart.
Why do you mentor them with a servant’s heart?
The reason you do this is to build up know, like and trust. Once you have established a strong relationship with your client they will want to work with you. So if they are looking for a company they will definitely want to know what company you are in. If they are happy with their own company well that’s ok, you will continue to mentor them build their business. Why you ask? Well if the company they are in no longer exists or things happen to make them look for a new opportunity where do you think they will go?
Online mlm marketing takes all of the frustration of spending many hours setting up meetings.

Click on the link if you want a state of the art online mlm marketing system.

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From Loddy Micucci’s blog, thank you Loddy for such a wonderful post.
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