Moving from Addiction to Freedom: Most addictions are transmutation of energy. When the “fight or flight” response kicks in, we can’t always do either one. How can you fight when you can’t pinpoint your enemy? So you do something that will minimize awareness of pain, and numb the pain caused by troublesome mind chatter. But the pain and chatter don’t go away. They are still there, waiting to raise their ugly heads when the numbing wears off. On top of that, there is guilt over spending precious time and energy in useless and damaging pursuits. This often results in even more pain and chatter.
The mental cleanse, and self talk, do not mask or numb the pain. They DEAL with it. They are designed to eliminate both the pain and the mind chatter by raising awareness, and replacing them with something positive and useful. It’s a whole new way of thinking. Gone is the pull toward the rat hole, and instead we are lifted up from the mire and set on a clear path to our goals.
RELEASING the negative thinking makes room for amazing things to begin happening in our lives. What are some ways you have done this, and how has it made your life better? I’d love to hear your story!
© Willena Flewelling
Phone 780-349-7163
From Willena Flewelling a great post on how have you somehow managed to move on.
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