“Big Al” Skill #14: Creating Instant Rapport.

You hate this.

You are sitting with a prospect and the prospect is skeptical, questioning everything you say.

You know nothing good is going to happen unless you are able to build some rapport.

So what do you do?

Ah, that’s the big question, isn’t it?

How can we build instant and immediate

rapport with those hard-core, sales-

resistant prospects?

Instinctively we know that those worn-

out formulas from years ago won’t work.

And, we only have SECONDS to accomplish rapport and bonding.

The only way we can accomplish this is

by talking directly to programs in the

prospects’ subconscious minds.

Here are a few of the programs that

prospects have that we need to address:

* “You are a salesman. You can’t be trusted.”

* “So watch out for the catch.”

* “You have an agenda.”

* “You only have your best interests in mind,

not mine.

* “You don’t see the world the same way I do.”

* “You want my money. I want to keep my money.”

This is our challenge. Reading a flip

chart, sending them to an online video, leaving them a brochure is totally missing the real challenge in front of us.

Our prospects are making instant

decisions about “Know, like, and trust”

– and making these decisions in their

subconscious mind.

Women call this their “sixth sense” –

knowing instantly whether to trust


“Sixth sense” is nothing more than pre- programmed decisions based upon observations.

We have to signal to these programs that we can be trusted. If not, all of the good things we say will bounce off their heads and fall to the floor. Our presentations are wasted.

We need to learn how to signal to these programs.

Here is one clue.

Start with “known facts” that our

prospects will agree with. They will

begin to feel that we see the world from the exact same viewpoint.

This is a start.

Then, we will have to quickly upgrade to sequences of words to begin placing our good information past the filters of their minds.

Remember, this all starts with “known

facts” – so point out your commonalities instead of your differences.

Certainly you can find a few “known

facts” that you and your prospect can

agree upon.

In 48 hours, I’ll show you what Skill

#15 does to help us create the success

we want in network marketing. Watch for the email.


Tom “Big Al” Schreiter

P.S. If you would like to learn “Instant Rapport” methods, here are two options.

1. I have a three-CD audio program at:


2. If you are serious about learning

these 25 skills and becoming a

successful leader in your business, the best option is to go to:


and order everything I’ve done on audio, etc. so that you can loan the CDs to your downline to learn.

From Tom Big Al, this is true it helps show who has the same values as yourself and who you can work with. It is usable in every aspect of life.

Learn how to be successful
