“Big Al” Skill #13: Using stories to bypass the conscious mind’s prejudices, filters and programs.

You already know this.

When you sit down with a prospect, the

prospect isn’t listening to you. Your

prospect is thinking:

* What about my past bad experiences?

* How long is this presentation going

to last?

* I don’t like to be sold.

* What’s the catch?

* Activate my salesman alarm.

* Can I trust what you say?

* You have an agenda.

* And countless other programs and negative


So what do amateurs do?

They start their presentation. Ouch.

What do pros do?

They use a low-tech, but very effective way to get their information past all the prospects’ filters, prejudices, etc.

They use stories.

More specifically, they use special

types of stories to bypass this clutter.

They will use micro-stories,

visualization stories, belief-setting

stories, time-delay stories, word

picture stories, and more.

Think about it. Don’t you enjoy

listening to stories?

We are programmed to remember stories in a special way in our brain. In fact, before the written word, all information was passed on from generation to generation with stories.

So how good are your stories?

Do you use the different types of

stories appropriately?

Are you using great stories to get past the negativity of your prospects?

If you want a good example of one of the types of stories, go to this link:


Did you enjoy that story?

That’s the difference between amateurs talking to prospects, and pros enrolling prospects. 🙂

In 48 hours, I’ll show you what Skill

#13 does to help us create the success

we want in network marketing. Watch for the email.


Tom “Big Al” Schreiter

P.S. If you would like to start learning about special story techniques, here are two options.

1. I have a great CD at:


2. Ir if you are serious about learning these 25 skills and becoming a successful leader in your business, the best option is to go to:


and order everything I’ve done on audio, etc. so that you can loan the CDs to your downline to learn.

From Tom Big Al’s 25 skills course, a very powerful lesson on how you can move past the salesman alarm.

Learn how to be successful
