This Week’s Jump-Start -Your success depends on how well you think.

This Week’s Jump-Start

Your success depends on how well you think. You are not paid to collect, sort, store or retrieve information, although you do these things every day. You are paid to interpret that information and create and implement new ideas. Ask yourself:

1) What can I offer that “they” aren’t offering? Where’s the niche that hasn’t been developed? How can I add value to the service or products I promote?

2) Where is the market inefficiency? What would make this process more convenient? How can I do this less expensively?

3) What would people pay for that isn’t available now? Which consumer groups and Internet communities are the most likely prospects who want what I provide? What trends will change my and their assumptions about the quality of life?

Breakthrough ideas often occur when you are calmly searching for opportunities. They rarely occur when you are anxious and frustrated. Close your eyes and dream this week! Spend some quality time this week thinking about a breakthrough idea you can apply to your professional life.

—Denis Waitley

From Denis Waitley’s Newsletter, a powerful article on your own success as a person.

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