Chapter 6 – Imagination

Chapter 6


The workshop of the mind

The fifth step towards riches.

We are reminded during this chapter that whatever we can conceive and believe becomes truth. So we must then say our self talk and create our own reality. Having left a volunteer role to focus on having own family and seeing such start to take progress all it took was a decision and the use of own imagination.

The story of Dr Gunsaulus and Asa Candler were inspirational stories showing the power what can happen when we imagine something. Its as powerful as the power of thought, that you create your own world through what you say to yourself. When you say oh this can’t be from me, how is that possible then you reject such. However when your believe such it turns your life around. Sometimes we may spend years thinking and waiting like Dr Gunsaulus however we must eventually come to the decision to act.

Thank you to Michael, Willena, Shelly and Mervyn for your love guidance and inspiration. Thank you to the wonderful mental cleanse participants whose lessons inspire me. Love you all so much,

Ben Drake,

Sydney NSW Australia

Personal Lesson plan from Chapter 6 of think and grow rich. For 30 day mental cleanse.

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