“What would you do with two extra paychecks a month?”

“What would you do with two extra paychecks a month?”
Great headline, eh? If you don’t capture your prospect’s imagination and attention with a great first sentence or headline … you don’t have a prospect.
Always think hard about what your first sentence will be. Your career depends on it.
* “Who makes more? You or your boss?”
* “Retiring on half pay? Double your retirement check by calling this phone number now.”
* “What thin people keep secret from their pudgy friends.”
* “Don’t wait. Get your next pay raise now.”
* “How to retire ten years early – at full pay.”
* “Why your neighbor takes monthly vacations while you have to work.”
* “Three ways to add an extra paycheck every month.”
* “The career decision that means your children will never have to go to work.”
These are just a few ideas to get us thinking. More in our next issue.
Remember, first sentences are used by your competition. Everyone is vying for your prospect’s money.
Want to create your own custom first sentences and headlines?
Go to:

From Tom Big Al’s newsletter, a number of very powerful headlines there.

Learn how to be successful

