The One Minute Manager in 30 Seconds

The One Minute Manager in 30 Seconds

The One Minute Manager is all about efficiency. So to prove the One Minute method is possible, we’ll provide you with success tips in 60 seconds or less.

Recruit “winners” to your company. It you can’t find those, recruit people who have the potential to be winners. Then, take time to train them.

Become results-oriented and people-oriented. Many managers are one or the other. But how do you get results without people? You need both.

Hold your employees accountable: Tell them what they’ve done right and tell them what they’ve done wrong.

Show you care. Your employees will be able to tell if you’re being genuine. “People who feel good about themselves produce good results,” Say authors Ken Blanchard and Spencer Johnson.

Find more of Ken Blanchard’s principles of success at

From Darren Hardy’s newsletter and success magazine, a quick powerful article on how to be a good leader and manager. Also how to lead people.

Learn how to be successful
