What to do when you have lousy upline support.
Most leaders are sponsored by someone who isn’t a leader.
Interesting, eh? That means that if we want to be a leader, chances are that we won’t have much upline support. If we do get any upline support, just consider that as a lucky break.
Also, if we don’t intend to be a leader, it probably doesn’t matter if we have upline support or not.
We have to ask ourselves:
“What is it that I want my upline to do that I am unwilling to do myself?”
The answer is obvious. We should do the work ourselves.
It’s tough – but if we don’t take this viewpoint, here is what happens:
If we mistakenly believe that our upline is necessary to build us into a leader, then that means we also must hold the hands of our unmotivated distributors and do their work for them too. Ouch!
Not a pleasant picture.
So remember, most leaders are sponsored by someone who isn’t a leader. Becoming a leader is up to us.
Thank you Tom Big Al for this wonderful insight.