“Cheap” coupon prospecting – cool idea.

“Cheap” coupon prospecting – cool idea.
Turn your business card into a coupon. Instead of printing a paper coupon, make your entire business card a coupon.
Instead of having your company logo, address and other boring data on your business card, do this. Make a strong offer for your product or opportunity.
For example, your business card could say:
$5 off SuperVitamins.
First-time customers only.
Free admission to business seminar.
Present this ticket at the door.
Free audio report:
“How to get an extra paycheck every week.”
Business cards are cheap, cheaper than printing cheap-looking paper coupons. So when your next prospect asks you for a business card, give them your business card coupon with an offer they can’t refuse.

Thank you to Tom Big Al Schreiter for this wonderful tip.