Turning your business into a bad investment.

Thanks to Tom Big Al for this wonderful powerful lesson.

Turning your business into a bad investment.
Imagine spending $50,000 on a new car. That’s quite an investment.
Now, imagine that you never bothered to learn how to drive your new car. Your $50,000 now becomes a $50,000 bad investment.
For only a few dollars more, and a little bit of time invested, you could have taken driving lessons and had a great investment.
Sounds silly?
Imagine this.
A new distributor spends $50 for a distributor kit, $100 for product and inventory, $50 for business cards and stationery, $400 for a suit, $100 to detail the car, $100 for a new website …
and never spends a dime on learning exactly what to say to prospects.
This distributor will consistently lose money by purchasing leads, buying advertising, and driving across town to meet prospects – only to say the wrong things.
His solution? Buy more leads, a bigger computer, a nicer car, a better haircut, fancy cologne, etc. He will look smart, smell good, but sound … not so smart.
Remember, we can work hard – or we can work smart.