An easy way to prepare your prospects while having a mid-summer picnic.

An easy way to prepare your prospects while having a mid-summer picnic.
You’re sitting at the beach with all your boring relatives. To keep the conversation going, you say:
“I decided that I’m going to set some new goals for this year. I’m not happy just staying in the same place year after year. I’m not waiting for January 1. I’m setting new goals now.”
Now, what is your brother-in-law going to say? He can’t appear to be a boring unmotivated jerk. I’m sure he won’t say:
“Well, I hope next year will be just the same as this year. I enjoyed working 50 weeks and really appreciated the two weeks I got for vacation. And my family loved the peace and quiet around the house when I worked all that overtime. Yep, I sure hope I get to do it again.”
Instead, maybe your brother-in-law will say:
“You know what? I’m not that happy with only two weeks of vacation. I can’t see spending the entire year working, and doing the same thing year after year. Maybe I should think about a change?”
And now the conversation begins.

This is another very potent and yet great lesson from the wonderful Tom Big Al who shows us just how easy bringing up the subject of setting new goals and change can be.

Success in 10 Steps