Living our lives


In our lives we must learn to live by what we want to do and not by that which others want. For example we may have people within our lives who want us to live by their ideals, that they push us to do things that they want us to do. Sometimes it is aligned with our own goals and dreams other times its not, someone may ask you to say to do something although you do not realise such it gets you one step closer to achieving that goal you wanted to achieve.

However as people we must learn to live our own lives and not live by what others want us to do. Unfortunately some people come from the aspect I do not want my child to grow up, they fear losing that person. They control the person telling them what to do, how to act, how to be. Now this can make our lives a complete mess when we listen to these people too much. At a young age we can be conditioned to conform to those people. Unfortunately this leaves us not able to live our own lives as we are living in fear.

Some people need to work on removing that programming that has been set into their minds by others, this can take time. However we must personally realise that it is not their life, we are in charge of our own life. We cannot let those other people who hurt us control our lives as a person. We have to walk away from them and say no this is my life and this is what I am doing. Then you have to do it.

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Ben Drake]]>