Fear–Living our lives in fear.

Some people live their lives in fear as someone in their past has hurt them badly and made them feel bad about themselves. Unfortunately this can at times come from those people who we love and they quite often love us however do not know what they are doing. In order to get away from living in fear we need to find our true selves and work towards a place where you are that person. This can take time, when we live in fear at home our best option is to walk away. Sometimes this cannot be done.

So what do people do when they fear someone they shut down, lock off and do what they can to keep the peace. Living in fear is not a good thing; we can develop a fear of many things like love, members of the opposite sex, being a parent or something else. Quite often our fears can be the key to the treasure which we are to have within our own lives. So we need to work on overcoming these, for me I am working on such no longer being scared of my demons and I am glad.

Remember though that fear can paralyse us and can often stand just before our goal or dream. When we stop and give up it’s because old man fear has won again, we do not believe that we are worthy of that goal. We do not believe that we deserve what is being offered and so we sabotage such.

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Ben Drake