The more you give, the more you receive long term.

The more you give, the more you receive long term. What does this mean, well it means that the more you help others or give to people the more it comes back to you in abundance. Basically some people spend all their lives giving that they get very little. Unfortunately some people do not return the favour when someone gives to them from the heart; there are people who expect to just receive without giving. These are not good relationships to be in.

The thing is that there must be some form of reward for you either short term or long term. You must be able to gain something from what is going on or it does not work well, when you are taken advantage of by others because they think they are able to control you. They expect you to just give and not receive long term then it does not help. Basically this about finding a situation where you give and receive almost equal amounts.

Meaning when you give so much it comes back to you, yet sometimes we do not see those rewards until much later in life. It may take quite some time for those rewards to start coming to you. However long term it does come back to you, there are times when people do not even realise that they are in a situation where they are giving more than they are receiving. The people who do not expect to return the favour for things you have done for them are not easy to work with and have around.

When you are in the situation where you are giving more then you are receiving it is quite often best to set some boundaries and rules. Yes there are people who are not going to accept these boundaries and rules, they never will. They think oh yes I do not care. When people are just using you or think someone else will do it. Then it’s a bad place to be in, you need to be in a give and take relationship or environment. However there are places where it does not happen, some people do not necessarily understand that someone has given too much.

The person who is constantly doing things for others and not getting appreciated, accepted, even respected is in a place where they are giving more than they are receiving. There are people out there who expect to receive and not have to give. They pray for help and do not do anything personally to correct the problem, they think oh yes that is someone else’s problem and expect someone else will take care of such. Giving is about accepting responsibility and helping out when possible, when asked for help doing such. It’s not about getting angry because you are asked for help; it’s not about being taken advantage of as a person.

Giving is necessary to start the receiving process however unfortunately at times there are people who do not even realise that they are not giving. They are receiving more than they are giving, there are people who take advantage of others generosity and will push them. They do not understand that the person is tired of being taken advantage of, when someone offers genuine help then it is used when needed. However there are people who will literally use someone and take advantage of them and their generosity as a person. They use them, spit them out when they have served their purpose to them and never repay the person for their assistance. They disappear, however the good thing is that no matter how much you give it always comes back to you in abundance weather it’s love, money, romance, sex or just being there for someone else when they need you.

The times that you know you have a true friend is when they stick by you and return the favour. They are there for you when you need them and they come to see you not for some other reason, they do not feel obliged to do so. They want to come and see you. There are people who will call you out of obligation, they will come and see you when you feel sick, and they will talk with you when you are depressed as they feel obliged to. However when it gets really bad they are unable to be found, they do not stick around. These people need to learn the art of giving rather than receiving; it’s a matter of learning.

I have given so many things to different people as I want to rather than feeling obliged to. However I know people who have taken advantage of such and will use you for all your worth before saying goodbye to you, almost always kicking you out the door, making you feel bad for giving them so much, these people do not realise that they have used someone and not given as much as they have received. They think oh yes I will just get this person to do this for me and they will not expect anything back. As I said before in the end everything balances out, you may have to give quite a lot prior to receiving the rewards however it does happen.

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