Sticking up for ourselves

At some point in our lives we are required to stand up for ourselves, our values and beliefs no matter what happens. When we believe in something no one is able to say to us you are wrong. Sticking up for ourselves is about sticking up for what we believe as people. This is when you stand there saying well I am not going to budge. You need to respect who I am and my view, telling someone to shut up for speaking up is a form of control and only pushes people away. When someone is fighting for what they believe in and you tell them to shut up or put them down it creates that rift between you as people.

There are some people who have to learn to stick up for themselves; and to become a better person, others will remain quite until they find something that they will not budge on. Its a matter of standing by what you believe in. Anyone who pulls you down for you own belief system either telling you to shut up or making a micky of you for what you believe in. Some people do not even respect personal boundaries which are provided.

Sticking up for ourselves is saying you can say what you want to me however I am not going to budge on my view no matter what. It’s about remaining faithful to our stand and going from there.

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