When do you say this is enough

The hard part is knowing when you have had enough of a problem, a situation or similar. Generally there happens to be an upper tolerance for people. When people reach this they start looking at the options and start trying to work out what is the best option for them. Essentially how they are going to get the problem deal with. They are saying look how am I able handle this problem or what can I do about this situation, it’s different for each person as to what they accept and tolerate as a person. Even for how long, however there is a point when they say I have had enough of this, I am going to do something about such and then to go from that point on.

This is often a time of change for that person, as they are saying I am not prepared to accept such anymore. Whether it’s a living arrangement, a financial situation, grieving over a dead relative you never know what will cause that person to say no more. Quite often the problem or situation has built up over time and will take work to be able to deal with. Each person needs to do this in their own way and go from there. When a person has had enough they work on dealing with the problem, they do whatever it takes no matter what and they are motivated to change the problem. Normally this is when the problem has been going on for so long.

Essentially only you know when you have had enough and when to say this is enough. It depends on how much you are prepared to put up with as a person. That is what the real test is knowing what you are prepared to accept and not accept as a person.

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