In life there are a number of opportunities which we get offered. We have to think about the ones which are beneficial to us as a person. Also what is in that deal / opportunity / friendship / relationship for you, there are many things that may make these either good or bad. Sometimes it’s about knowing what is a good deal and that deal it’s beneficial for you. In every situation there must be a gain for everyone involved and not just a win for only one person. When only one person is continually wining as they believe that they can control others, push people around or do as they please then it’s not a good situation to be in. I have heard a number of people say look there has to be a win for all parties or there is no deal at all.
That is a good method to run by. However there are times in life you do need to sacrifice for a win later. When you have to continually make sacrifices for someone else and do not win at all it does not helpful at all and it is not a good deal. These deals can drag a person down, when they are continually told no your needs mean nothing to me, I do not care about you and the other person gets no benefit from the deal. When someone continually gets no benefit then it comes to the time to say I am sorry this is not working for me.
Sometimes even when you say such people may not listen to you saying look this is not working. When people refuse to listen to such then it’s time to look at other options, the people who believe they are right and do not want anyone else saying their piece quite often will push others away. Also when they try controlling others, they tend to not respect others needs, wants and desires. There are people out there who expect it to be all about them, that they can do what they like and treat others like rubbish. Unless you are gaining something from the deal then it’s not worth it. Unless you are gaining something from that friendship / relationship then it’s not worth staying.
Some people can literally destroy another person’s life owing to how they treat them. They think that they are correct and force their views on someone else. When someone is not gaining anything from the situation it is not easy at all. When you continually get such it is time to ask is this working for me? Should it not be working for you, assess what you can do about making such work for you.
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