Our programming Positive and Negative influences.

We are programmed throughout our lives by other people’s thoughts opinions and behaviours. We are programmed by who we hang around, the people who we associate with most, also by the media and other means. We are told by these people what to think, what to feel, how to act, how to be. We are shaped by them even though a lot of the time it’s just their opinion and not fact. We are programmed by our colleagues who teach us to either be successful or not, we are also programmed by our own family and friends. They are our greatest influences. When they do not know the truth or believe they are in the right no matter what, they will tell you what they personally believe about you and go from there. When you hear such enough times it starts to chip away at who you are as a person and you start to believe what you have been told because you do not know any better.  This person may believe that they are in the right and you are in the wrong no matter what you say.

Having grown up and being told by one of my family “because I know so” has really started to make me realise, hang on no one knows everything. They may think that they may know everything, however what evidence they have about such. I have seen lives destroyed owing to hanging around the wrong influences or not being prepared to refute what the other person has said. They accept that someone else may know better or what has been said to them is truth. I have seen people who literally do not give a rats about others, they expect that they can just have a go at someone and that person will take such. I can remember my own life was in pieces owing to the fact that I was hanging around the wrong people, their opinion of me was not good and they didn’t give a stuff that they hurt someone else. Who they are bulling or pushing around; they had low self esteem and self worth so they had to be little others.

These days it’s a lot easier for me however there are still times when I am in a very bad environment. It’s one thing that I have been working on getting away from for years now, I know in my heart of hearts that it is not going to get better whist such negative influences are around. Also I know that it is what I needed to learn in order to become successful. When you expect someone to hurt you, then they end up doing such, however when you know that person will not hurt you then it does not happen. Everyone is told at an early age that we are either good or bad; we are shown by others how they expect us to act around them. Each person will project good or bad thoughts onto their environment. In my own life there are many examples of things being ok until a bad influence comes along, then things start to go really badly.

A lot of people do not realise what they are doing and they wonder why is my life such a mess. They go poor me, they pull themselves and others down. This is owing to the chatter which is going on in their mind. They may say “it’s ok to be cranky with someone else because I am in a cranky mood”, “because I said so”, “because I know so”. Yet another person’s bad mood projects onto the people who are around you, it projects onto those who you love most. People do not realise that they are projecting their negative thoughts onto others around them. They are projecting their thoughts about money, religion, poverty. These people are acting out their own programming. They are acting out their subconscious programming, the person thinks oh I am going to go broke and they send themselves broke. They do not realise that they are coming from the lack mentality. They are programming their own mind with lack and not realising that they are the cause of their own problems.

In order to correct this you need to stop listening to those influences which will drag you down more and more. You need to start hanging around people who are more positive then they are negative, sure the positive people can be negative at times. However they pick themselves up and get back to what they were doing as quickly as they can no matter what. The people who think I am right no matter what, they believe that they know everything and this is the most dangerous thing you can ever think I know everything and I am always right no matter what. This person is being ignorant and refuses to acknowledge the fact that they do not know everything at all.

Someone within this state of mind tends to push people away, what happens is people stop calling or speaking to you. They literally stop interacting with you because you always drag them down and you are such a drain to them, you can lose a lot of friends that way. The person who cannot help themselves is the one who needs help and either refuses to get it our does not even know they need help. They are told they need help and do nothing about it at all. They think they are in the right no matter what. They do not give a stuff about others, as it’s all about them. They literally do not care about who they offended or hurt, they do not care about the rules and regulations it’s all about them. This is the person you need to work on getting away from, the person who refuses to acknowledge anyone else’s rights as a person; they have no respect for themselves so they tear others down in the process to big note themselves.

These people quite often have the biggest ego, they think they can say what they want and get away with it. They think that they have the authority to do as they please and not care about the consequences of their own actions. Some will learn the lesson of their own actions unfortunately a number of them do not. Those that do not may never fully understand why they have such few friends as they have pushed most them away. They do not understand why people don’t call or why people no longer want to be around them.

Want to know more? Just ask. You can call or email me.

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