In anything in life you need to be 100% committed or you are not going to succeed at all. When you are not committed fully to what you are doing you are leaving a chance for sabotage, it’s the same thing with business, relationships, friendships, when you are not committed then you don’t put in all your effort into that activity or relationship. When you are 100 precent committed to the outcome of anything then you are all in. As one of my mentors says you cannot be anything less that 100% in with a relationship, business or otherwise, any doubt and you are gone.
This is a cause of failure with relationships, business or any endeavour which a person puts themselves into. When you are not committed to the outcome you sabotage yourself. Sometimes it’s the little things; however as a person you need to be 100% in to your business, your relationship, even your job. Imagine putting in only 85% effort at work and still expecting the full pay, turning up late daily and leaving early. Yet still getting paid for that full day every single day you are to be working.
That’s what it’s like when you are not all in. Sometimes it takes something small to make you realise just how committed you are to the outcome. Ok yes sometimes there are reasons for delays, yet when its consistent you need to ask yourself are you 100% committed to that outcome. Sometimes it’s a hard thing to come to terms with, other times it’s a matter of yes I am committed no matter what happens. Some people are not even committed to their marriages or partner, they may not know such. Being committed is being there for them no matter what.
Are you all in?
Want to know more? Just ask. You can call or email me.
Want to learn more about relationships http://bdrake.successin10steps.com/?mad=52669 information is available from this eBook.
Be mentored for free Ben Drake