In life we meet people who say yes I am going to do that and never follow through with such. They say yes and then do not go through with that commitment. It does not mean that the person is unreliable it means that they have other things which they consider a priority. Suppose someone say’s I shall call you at such time or over the weekend and the call does not happen. It means that the person generally forgot, it is quite often a sign that you are not one of their priorities.
When I make a commitment to something I shall see it through, I will do my best to ensure that I keep that commitment. It literally means for me writing down what has to be done and then going from there, however that is ok. Its prioritizing things, when someone says oh I will call you back and do not it are hard. Sure people get busy yet what it suggests is that the person was not committed to what they said they wanted to do or were going to do.
Sometimes it’s a real test of a person’s character showing what the person is like. As when someone says the same thing and does not follow through it raises a flag saying hmm are they committed to such. I know that for me notes are what necessary or to do list saying this is what has to be done. Sure sometimes there have to be delays in what has to be done, yet other times it can be done. When something is really important like a meeting or appointment I make sure that I set a reminder via phone and calendar. When someone says when I have time it means I will think about doing it when I am ready. It may also be that they do not have time to do such. When people say I am too busy it means they are literally too busy to do such.
When I am ready, that could be a month or so away and that is not good. It’s the person’s way of saying no. Even when someone says I will try its being polite and saying no. It’s what happens in life, however when will not commit to something it’s not your problem it’s theirs. The person needs to feel comfortable with that commitment whatever it is, marriage, business, phone call, when someone does not feel safe it does not help.
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Be a mentor with a servants heart Ben Drake