Letting go of those who you love


In life the hardest thing can be letting go of someone who meant a lot to you. Sometimes it’s just that not easy at all, the people who come into our lives are there either for a short or long time however they are always there to teach us something. Weather it’s about ourselves or to help us improve who we are, there are people who love us for who we are and others who just can not accept who we are and are constantly trying to change us. They are telling us why we shouldn’t achieve a goal. Although you may love them it’s hard, letting go of them in the way of love is not a very easy process.

Yet sometimes it has to be done, what you need to do is say goodbye in your own way to them. Sometimes its easy when the person passes on or dies, other times it’s necessary to say they are never going to change. They will not ever be what I want them to be as a person, the hard part is that some people can come from a number of very bad emotions because they do not want to lose that person. Some people will use fear tactics, jealousy, revenge, greed and anger to justify why the person should not go. This can be for many reasons, however letting go of someone who you love is about saying they made their choice.

When a person dies it can be hard enough, yet each relationship needs grieving. Sometimes it’s not very easy at all to lose someone, yet everyone has their own process. You need to work out how you let go of those who you love.

Want to know more? Just ask. You can call or email me.

Want to learn more about relationships http://bdrake.successin10steps.com/?mad=52669 information is available from this eBook.

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