For things to change you have to change Part 3


One of the things that you have to change is your attitude and friendships, your influences and who you are around. Those that come from the mentality of there is not enough money are often the ones who have to learn how to save and start working on their finances more. People learn their attitudes towards things at a young age when they are growing up. As I stated in yesterdays blog, often you need to change something to become successful. Other times it’s a number of things that have to change, also you have to act on blind faith and go with something knowing that it’s the right thing for you.

At times a person needs to change their environment, other times it’s the persons attitude that needs changing. It really depends on the person as to what they have to change. In order to become better you have to be willing to progress as a person. You have to change those things that need change in your life and have to be prepared to do what it takes as a person. You have to say ok this is what needs to happen and I am going to do such. So what is there in your life that needs to change. Quite often a person has to be ready for leadership, they have to have built those skills. Also need to say no problem to such. They need to develop. How many hours do you spend daily or regularly working on yourself and becoming more as a person?

Want to know more? Just ask. You can call or email me.

Want to learn more about relationships information is available from this eBook.

Be a mentor with a servants heart Ben Drake
