For things to change you have to change. Part 2

In part one I wrote about the fact that people need to evolve or become better to improve a situation. At the same time we have to think ok what needs to change so that I can move onto the next level, at times it’s a decision. Other times you have to learn more skills, other times its a matter of creating a plan. More often then not it’s because you are not becoming that person who is worth such. Now there are going to be good and bad days where you are tempted to quit, however that is part of the changes. Its when you work through those challenges you become a stronger, wiser and better person.

Some people need to change who they are around to become more successful. Others need to learn those skills and completely create that new lifestyle a fresh beginning. Every person is different as to what they need to learn and at what point they will say no that is enough. They are then either desperate or dissatisfied, when someone has been dissatisfied enough they become desperate to change and will do whatever it takes to become that better person. Yes it may mean having to accept that you can not do what you always wanted, yet at the same time you need to acknowledge what limits you have.

In order to change a person has to want to do such. Also they need to say no to those bad influences, some people literally live all their lives programed by someone else. Someone has said to them at some stage “No you can not do that. It’s too hard” or something else and when they have been told enough then the person starts to believe such. We can either choose to program our own minds or let someone else program it for us. In order for us to reclaim our own lives; a person has to choose who are good and bad influences. Who can help them grow or who will drag them down, it will take work and time yet it’s what has to happen sometimes.

You have to learn who you can really trust with your deep dark secrets and who you can not. Work on finding those people who you can talk to and trust as person, who you are happy to talk with about anything necessary. Another good thing is that you need to know how you are built and accept that. Some people are built that they can go for hours and not sit still, others are not like that. Limits and disabilities are things you can work around. I know that from personal experience, you work around what is possible and say well I am pushing myself to far. Time to pull back and do such.

Ask yourself who is it I trust the most, who am I around the most, what are they doing to me, what have they taught me, what do they have me believing as a person, where did you learn your beliefs on money, where did you learn your beliefs on success or what successful is to you? Everyone is built up of habits from not only our own but others programing, we learn such during our developmental years, however when we do not have good role models then it does not help.

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Be a mentor with a servants heart Ben Drake