This is one of the best sayings I know from Jim Rohn. Why is it such a classic as it says that for a situation to change you have to change, the person has to change. They have to evolve and become a better person. The person needs to become worth that promotion, they need to become worth that next pin or worth what they are seeking. I find it fascinating that people literally say I am not getting anywhere in business, however when asked they are not doing those things that they need to do in order to become successful. They are not growing as a person, they are not becoming more. The industry that I am involved in just happens to be the industry of relationships. The way you become successful is by building those relationships in life, when someone does not have that relationship or does not feel comfortable around you then you may not get to the core of what is going on for that person.
What I mean is that when someone does not feel comfortable with someone else they may only provide superficial layers of what’s going on for them. The person does not feel comfortable expressing themselves with you. Think about it, could you really tell someone what’s on your mind when you do not feel safe with them. I know I can not, a person who feels safe with someone else will start to tell the other person some of their darkest secrets. That is where you get to know the person, building any relationship is about trust. When you do not know if you can trust someone then you will not talk about what’s going on for you.
Ok now for things to change you have to change what does this mean. Literally as I started with you have to become worth that next promotion, the people who are stuck and not getting anywhere at all in business, relationship, friendships are not succeeding owing to the fact that they have not changed enough to become worth what they are seeking. Yet when that person has become worth what they are seeking they quite often achieve such. What some people do not realise is that they are not being successful owing to not having changed to the degree that allows them success, what does this mean. It means saying look this is what I want, what do I have to change to become worth such.
For some people need to improve their relationship skills, others need to improve their sales skills, you need to know what your real why is at the same time. Why are you doing the business, what were you meant to do, to be to have, to give.
Want to know more? Just ask. You can call or email me.
Want to learn more about relationships http://bdrake.successin10steps.com/?mad=52669 information is available from this eBook.
Be a mentor with a servants heart Ben Drake