As I sit here pondering about these last couple of weeks its interesting that I have been achieving small goals, ones that I did not even realise I had done. It’s just amazing seeing myself achieving those things that really mean a lot to me. You see when you achieve those small goals its saying yes you are on track to that larger goal. When you achieve those goals then its great, you see sometimes you may not even realise you are achieving those goals and then suddenly it’s happened. The achievement of small goals does lead to achievement of those much larger goals. Sometimes the opportunity you have been seeking may present it’s self from a totally different direction and hide it’s self for the achievement of those goals. Its a matter of being aware about what’s going on and saying ok lets do this.
All I can say is the sky is the limit when you start achieving goals. Even the ones that you do not even know you are setting or may not be on your official goals list. Yet its the achievement of those much smaller goals that will lead to that huge goal. Quite often you need to achieve those small ones which will open things up for the larger ones.
Want to know more? Just ask. You can call or email me.
Want to learn more about relationships http://bdrake.successin10steps.com/?mad=52669 information is available from this eBook.
Be a mentor with a servants heart Ben Drake