Each person has their own level of health which is optimum or peak when a person does not take care of it their health will generally decline. It is a matter of making sure that a person takes care of themselves to maintain that health. The people who do not take care of themselves properly often end up with complications at some point; others well they do what they can and yet still may end up with worse the health issues.
You need to know what is needed to maintain and keep your own health at it’s best level. Sure sometimes there can stop you from doing some forms of exercise, however you can quite often find a way to exercise around your health restrictions. Often when people start eating right or taking care of their health their medical side may improve over time. The injuries or conditions may still be there, however it just takes time. Sometimes you may not even remember what it is was like being sick after you have been well for so long and say no I do not want to go back there. People sometimes need a good scare to say well I am not going to continue on this path no matter what.
It really depends on the person, some people know that no matter what they have to continue doing what they are to keep their health. Others its less, it’s about having an awareness of what you are like and realising ok this is what’s happening right now. This is why this is happening, sometimes injuries can flare up for no reason, however things like stress do have indicators such as eating too much. Being easily overwhelmed or otherwise.
Want to know more? Just ask. You can call or email me.
Want to learn more about relationships http://bdrake.successin10steps.com/?mad=52669 information is available from this eBook.
Be a mentor with a servants heart Ben Drake