Your Faults

Ok this is a very interesting topic as everyone does have faults weather they want to acknowledge them or not. It’s what you about those faults that really make the difference, what do I mean by such is that you need to actively acknowledge those faults saying ok this is what I need to work on. Yes it can be hard however each person has things they need to work on and use to their own advantage, you may not be able to work for long hours however; you can certainly still take care of a family.

You may not be able to cook well but can clean a house, use your talents to your advantage and also work on making your faults work for you. You may only be able to work your business 10 hours a week owing to medical or otherwise its working around such, Making that work to your advantage, some people can become overwhelmed with too much going on. There are a number of things which can be faults for people and it’s about acknowledging and seeing how you can take advantage of such faults. It may take time work and patience yet at other times you just need to say ok lets work out how this can become and advantage rather then a disadvantage.

Ok so your medical situation means that you have to go to the gym 3 days a week and have to attend physio for so long sure that’s no problem it’s working around such. Then there is taking care of your family, so that leaves only a small amount of time you can work. Other people have the time to put in that full 40 hours a week, it’s about knowing yourself what you can and can not do and what is important and working around such. Some people are good at writing up a storm, others can not, some people can cook others can not, some people can paint others can not, it’s not that it’s impossible you need to find a way to use that talent.

There are so many faults that people can have some people make things so complex that they just end up being unable to be duplicated, some people are too good at their job when they leave no one knows what they did or how. It’s about saying well ok this is who I am and could someone duplicate who I am as a person, could they duplicate what I am doing easily. Sometimes those things which have been developed over years have to be untangled and removed before you can become a success on your own. Do you have a system that no one else could understand? Some of the things I used to do were so complex that only I knew how they worked. Is that easy no, it was because of what made sense to me as a person I used to say lets separate this, this and this so I can tell what it has to do with and it created more mess then having things in one place. Ok yes sometimes a system is needed however the complex ones just get to be so hard that they are unable to be duplicated.

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Be a mentor with a servants heart Ben Drake