You are who you are


Wow what a interesting topic. Each person is made up different from everyone else, there are those who have the loving caring personality. They consider others first before anything else, there are others who are rather self centred and it’s who they are. I am learning a lot about myself and who I am as a person one thing that I can say is that no matter what I made a different, I do what I do because it’s part of my own self. Everyone has things they love to do, some people stay close to the fire others may not want to know it, their are those that will give from the heart no matter what happens. Then their are the natural born leaders and managers, everyone has a different purpose in life and I know right now I am for filling my own purpose and destiny.

Sure nothing ever happens without it meant to be happening, we meet those people who we meet as they are meant to impact our own lives in a way as we are to impact their lives. Everything is about choices, every day we make decisions. Sometimes you have not time to think it’s just do and act. Each person does things differently even though they may have the same personality, it’s who they are some people are comfortable in the fire others are not. In life everyone has a mission and sometimes these are done quickly others take a lifetime to complete. There are people who touch your heart once and leave an impression others who stay and never leave.

You have to accept who you are with your faults and failings, work on making your own faults you asset and using them to your own advantage. Working on them and not letting them control you, if you live by self imposed limits constantly you will end up frustrated as you may not be living the life you want. You are someone who is meant to be someone special to others, finding out what makes you who you are and what you enjoy really helps.

If you have any questions just contact or email me.

If you want to learn more about relationships some of the information is available from this eBook.

Be a mentor with a servants heart Ben Drake
